Mrs.A Kochhar
D.O.B: 29th December, 1930
Place of Birth: Rawalpindi, now Pakistan
Education: Metric from Camelpur
                 F.A from Ambala

Family Life and Early Years.
My father was an advocate. I had 5 brothers and 3 sisters. Our life was simple, very disciplined. No answering back to our parents. I do not remember my father ever raising his hand against us. Half an hour in the corner was enough as a punishment. We played Gulli-Danda (an Indian game played with sticks & pike) and kite flying was a favourite. We had healthy eating habits.

In August 1947 we went to Solan, Himachal Pradesh, where my brother was posted. We thought we would return home in 10 days. It never happened. We had only one suitcase. Many of our relatives who did not leave in time were killed. Some escaped to camps in Amritsar. Horror stories came back to us about young girls who jumped into wells to escape being captured, to protect their honour. We had good Muslim friends and our attitude never changed. Killings happened on both sides.
My father was a well educated man who did not believe in Sadhu-sants (so called mendicant-saints). My religion is "Be Good, Be nice, Be Kind"
Later we moved to Ambala. I got married from there.

We heard Pandit Nehru's speech on radio. But Independence did not change much in our lives. In some ways there was more structure and discipline under the British..I feel Punjabis have it in their blood to work hard and not give up. We know how to bear hardships. Our upbringing is like that. My own family is like that, we are self made people. My children our now in successful positions.

India Now:
We have seen so many changes. From ice boxes to refrigerators, coal to cooking gas. we have the talent but we need to have civic sense and discipline. Each of us needs to make changes in our own small ways, maybe begin in our homes and colonies.

This interview was conducted at Ms.Kochhar's daughters home.


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